Yep that is right. The day the last stitch came out we realized that Gage's front tooth(on the left) had died. It was a nice mild shade of gray that progressively got worse. This is the best, or worst, picture I have of it. Gage found a great Dentist that did an amazing job. First came the root canal, then 2wks later, another appt to finish the root canal. 2 wks after that we got to start the internal bleaching process, which was 2 in office appointments a week apart, then finally a few days later an appt for the filing. I'm really not complaining because I didn't go to a single appointment, but I felt like Gage was living at the dentist office. The end result is great. I just hope that Gage's tooth can hang on for at least a few years before he has to get a cap. THE AFTER PICTURE! We were so excited to be done with the dentist.
Too Bad it only lasted for a week! One morning brushing Trevin's teeth he slipped of his stool and slammed his mouth into the counter, which knocked him backwards and he then slammed the back of his head on the floor. I felt awful! I wasn't fast enough to stop it, when I picked him up he had a mouth full of blood and a nice little bite mark on his tongue. It wasn't until that night brushing his teeth that I saw the crack, straight down his bottom tooth...BACK TO THE DENTIST! Janae works for a pediatric dentist so I called first thing in the morning and Trevin's appointment was set for the next day, Halloween. We were so excited to see Janae at work... because it was Halloween everyone at the office was dressed up. Here is Janae working on T's little teeth, while he was distracted watching the TV on the ceiling.
We also had the fun experience of taking x-rays of Trevin's teeth, he sat on my lap, I pried his mouth open, while he bit down as hard as he could, while Janae worked the machine. It was so fun. Trevin did pretty good when the dentist came to see him. We were sent home with a prescription for an antibiotic and another appointment on Monday to have T's tooth pulled.
Trevin did such a great job at the dentist and taking his antibiotic that I decided he deserved a reward.

ha ha fun FISH!! You guys HAVE had a lot of teeth problems lately, I didn't really put two and two together! I'm glad Trevin did okay with the pulling!
You deffinately have a busy household! Your 2 little ones are growing so fast! By the way I think I need to learn your tricks for making such cute pages!
Hehehehehe, I love the picture with his face almost in the fish bowl :D If you guys ever get a beta, I think I still have my small wee little beta fish tank somewhere, lol. Those last...for a bit longer, mine died 15 days...I have never been good with fish.
Goodness, thats good Cheyenne is doing so well with teething, hope it stays fantastic :D
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