I finally did it! For months I have been talking about cutting my hair. At first it was just a couple inches, to get rid of the unhealthy ends (Yes I realize that only counts as a trim). Then I thought, maybe something more drastic but I didn't have the guts. So the much needed "trim" got ignored until I could make up my mind. I finally made the decision and scheduled my appointment. I was so nervous just scheduling...it's ridiculous, that I can nervous about something so small. I had my little sister take some before pictures. I had gone back in my pictures to find one that showed off it's length, and guess what, I couldn't find a single one! I have tons of pictures but there is usually a child on my hip, or I'm leaning over a table, or it's behind my shoulders, or the picture cuts off the bottom...you get the concept. So here they are pictures that show all of my hair in the same shot.

Today was the day, Sierra came over to watch the kids and I headed out to Onyx Salon on 25
th street in Ogden. Alex was there and waiting. When she asked if we were trimming it or cutting some off, I said "Cutting it off." I think she looked a little surprised, here next comment was "Really, does Gage know?"
Gage knew but he hasn't seen it yet. Hopefully he'll like it as much as I do. He hasn't known me with hair this short, but I still feel like it is plenty long.
Alex did such a great job! I love it! We were able to donate it to locks of love and still have it the length I wanted. I didn't have a set plan when I walked into the salon, but Alex was great to come up with a hairstyle that works great for me. Easy to manage and versatile. I can still pull it up easily into a ponytail for work (and not have a stub on the back of my head). I love the layering at the bottom that and I haven't had bangs for a while, so I'm excited to figure out how to style it. Maybe I'll have to given in and start using "product" in my hair. Check out My after pictures.

I love it, I'm so excited to have a new style for the spring. It's a change that was long overdue and now that it's done I think I should have done it a long time ago. Alex was great to work with. I met her a few months ago and stalked her on her blog before giving in and calling to schedule my appointment. Check out some more of her work
here... then give her a call!

I LOVE it! It is adorable! Perfect for the up coming summer! (If summer ever gets to you guys) Love it!
You are so stinkin cute. I called ryan and told him that i cut off 9 inches of your lovely hair and he was like... "WHAT? 9 inches?" haha. i love your new style! looks great! thanks for coming to see me!
Very cute! I love it! I have been wanting to chop mine for a while to but I am chicken even though I know it will grow back out. :) Way to go its very very cute!
Very nice, love the bangs to...I want them but I think after I get married...haha...OH and to answer your question on the feathers---I'm going to do some steamage tomorrow, it seems all my free time lately is going to other wedding stuff.
Also, how do you reply to comments on your blog? Do you know?
I'm going to try to be a better blog reader.
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