Sierra is married and I think the wedding turned out great. Thanks to Lindsay I was able to find a dress that didn't look ridiculous on my Pregnant body and was pretty comfortable too. Trevin was a trooper through the long day, he took his nap through the luncheon, which means Gage and I actually got to enjoy the food! By the reception Trevin had had enough... a BIG thanks to Grandma and Papa that came to save him! (I'll post some pictures later I was using someone else's camera all day.)
Trevin still loves his Daddy... Gage did a lot of work for decorations at the reception and Trevin couldn't stand to not be right at his side the whole time. So one night we decided we would join Gage in the garage to watch him work. It was freezing but Trevin was so happy to be out there...
Gage and his Brothers have an X-BOX party about once every couple months. This past month we had it at our house. I had borrowed a projector and speakers from a friend for Sierra's reception and we ended up having them all weekend. I turned out to be a lot of fun... Smith's Chinese for dinner and a very loud, life size game of Halo. What more could you ask for...
1 comment: you should tell your husband if he ever needs two extra players for Halo *cough* me and tyler *cough*... :D I can always bring my X-box and cables for hook up as well to lan it out.
Also the wedding was great! And you looked fabulous! Leave it to me to be late...oh goodness, I dunno what is going on lately, I'm just soo spacey--I hope it goes away.
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